James Hutton Institute


Robin PakemanProfessor Robin Pakeman is a plant ecologist at the James Hutton Institute, focussing on the management and functioning of biodiversity in a range of Scottish ecosystems. He currently leads the Natural Assets Theme of the Scottish Government’s Strategic Research Programme.

He is a Visiting Professor in the School of Biological Science at the University of Liverpool, a Chartered Ecologist and a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. He is a Coordinating Editor of the Nordic Journal of Botany and a Subject Editor for Oikos. He is an author of over 190 refereed publications as well as numerous reports to government departments and statutory agencies.

Robin was part of the team that delivered the evidence review taken into account by Professor Werritty’s Grouse Moor Management Review Group and an earlier muirburn review for Scottish Natural Heritage’s Scientific Advisory Panel.



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